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Curry Chat => Talk About Anything Other Than Curry => Topic started by: JerryM on September 04, 2011, 10:04 AM

Title: Chicken Kebab Meat
Post by: JerryM on September 04, 2011, 10:04 AM
if this has already been covered then please point to the right post - have tried search without success.

just recently became aware of this very very nice alternative in the kebab shop to the normal "kebab meat".

the "chicken kebab meat" i've come across is not a "tube of meat on the rotisserie but appears to be bone meat marinated then bbq and then stripped off by hand.

the result is really quite different and spot on.

the question is what's the marinade used. any help or best guess on ingredient appreciated.

there is definitely cumin but after that quite difficult to pick individual spice out.
Title: Re: Chicken Kebab Meat
Post by: jamieb728 on September 04, 2011, 10:59 AM
Hi Jerry
My missus cousin used to work for a place that supplies the chicken to shops and used to get us packs for a fiver it was boned out thigh meat and was very nice it was on the side of minted chicken but not minted chicken if you know what i mean ill see if he still works there they stopped them getting the chicken at cost price so not had any for a while ill look into it.

Title: Re: Chicken Kebab Meat
Post by: JerryM on September 05, 2011, 12:19 PM

many thanks for info - thigh meat it is. i know what you mean on the mint - i too am sure it's there but it's impossible to pick it out. the recipe must be really good as the spicing is very subtle but retains the kebab stamp.

there must be garlic and red chilli in too.

so recipe so far: cumin, mint, garlic, chilli.
Title: Re: Chicken Kebab Meat
Post by: bamble1976 on September 05, 2011, 05:26 PM
hi jerry

chicken doner kebab recipe from THE TAKEAWAY SECRET.  ing include:

olive oil
tom puree
lemon juice
garlic, onion, cumin powder
boneless, skinless chi thighs.

not tried it yet.  will pm you the recipe if this is what you are looking for?

Title: Re: Chicken Kebab Meat
Post by: Jeera on September 05, 2011, 07:33 PM
olive oil, oregano, cumin, garlic, lemon juice are essential..... esp the oregano in my opinion
Title: Re: Chicken Kebab Meat
Post by: Unclefrank on September 05, 2011, 10:03 PM
Try this recipe (
Title: Re: Chicken Kebab Meat
Post by: Unclefrank on September 05, 2011, 10:07 PM
I have tried the Kebab recipe out of the Take Away Secret book and it was excellent, moist and spicy, served with pitta bread, salad and a hot chilli sauce.
Title: Re: Chicken Kebab Meat
Post by: Jeera on September 06, 2011, 09:39 AM
link to the takaway secret pdf (cough) (
Title: Re: Chicken Kebab Meat
Post by: JerryM on September 06, 2011, 05:12 PM
bamble, jeera, unclefrank,

many thanks all.

this sounds a real good starting point.

i'm going for TA tonight and will aim to tick off what i think is in there. the hard part for me is i can't resist having it covered with chilli sauce which makes it hard to work out the taste from just the chicken.

looking to get some thighs tomorrow to start off a 1st go.

well pleased many thanks.
Title: Re: Chicken Kebab Meat
Post by: JerryM on September 08, 2011, 06:47 PM
have added pic of the real McCoy

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have tried batch 1. not bad for a 1st go. all liked it and would have again. i thought it was tad flat. i also need to get a bottle of the standard chilli sauce from my local asian store for a complete taste.

i used breast meat  - only as i have it to hand - will be switching to bone meat once i get close enough on the taste.

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batch 1 recipe (ml):
oil 15
tom puree 15
lemon juice 15
garlic pwdr 1.25 (1/4 tsp)
onion powder 10
cumin pwdr 2.5
mint 0.625 (1/8 tsp)
yogurt 30
oregano 0.625

going fwd will add in salt, up the mint and oregano, half the cumin. i think paprika needed to add a touch of colour.

many thanks for the help - feel i'm well on the way.
Title: Re: Chicken Kebab Meat
Post by: JerryM on September 11, 2011, 11:13 AM
i'm now sorted on this and intend scaling up and using thigh.

many thanks for help. those in the family who frowned on kebab are now big fans.

batch 2 recipe:

oil 15
tom puree 15
lemon juice 15
garlic pwdr 1.25 (1/4 tsp)
onion powder 10
cumin pwdr 1.25
mint 1.25
yogurt 15
oregano 1.25
salt 1.25
paprika 0.625 (1/8 tsp)

( (
Title: Re: Chicken Kebab Meat
Post by: JerryM on September 13, 2011, 07:51 PM
have doubled up the recipe and ample marinade for 8 off thighs (~1 kg).

stripping the skin off was doddle with sharp knife. had go ad boning and now can see why the restaurant strip the meat after cooking.

just need to get the pukka chilli sauce and kebab nights looking good for end of week.


realised amount for garlic and onion is gross - i'm using dried garlic granules and dried onion flakes so actual "ground" volumes are less. i'm grinding all the ingredients that need grinding including the dried herbs.
Title: Re: Chicken Kebab Meat
Post by: JerryM on September 17, 2011, 09:44 AM
the kebab night did not go well.

8 off thighs for 4 people is too little - i reckon 4 off each is more like.

the 1 off thigh that i'd boned before cooking worked a treat and is the way forward. stripping the meat off after cooking is not for me. the boned thigh produced a much better output (flat escalope, better marinade taste, v.easy to slice, looked the business).

ended up with a compromise on the chilli sauce - the local asian store did not have the bottle i wanted - ended up with Heera Chilli and Garlic which even for a garlic fan is not right for kebab.

the marinade is spot on. going forward down to the hassle of it all i might just use breast meat like i do for tikka. depends on if i can get my speed up on the boning.

overall well pleased
Title: Re: Chicken Kebab Meat
Post by: parabolic on September 20, 2011, 03:49 PM
so what is your final recipe then please :)
Title: Re: Chicken Kebab Meat
Post by: JerryM on September 22, 2011, 08:23 PM
on the 2nd full batch i used 18 off thighs and boned before cooking. qty was too much for 4 persons. the look and texture using the bone thighs was exactly like the TA. the taste is as close as dam it too.

after a bit of pondering have decided i'm going to use breast from now on and drop the thigh idea - it's just too much hassle. will butterfly each breast to maximise the marinade surface and for ease of cooking.

one thing have noticed as i've got into the recipe - avoid tendency to be heavy handed with the tom puree - the 30ml is enough any more and tends to overpower.

i'm now sorted on this recipe and family are now kebab converts.

recipe for 1 kg:

into a large bowl:
oil 30
tom puree 30
lemon juice 30
yogurt 30
salt 2.5 (1/2 tsp)
paprika 1.25 (1/4 tsp)

into grinder before adding to bowl above:

onion flakes 20
garlic granules 2.5
cumin seeds 2.5
dried mint 2.5
dried oregano 2.5